Mutual Funds
Mutual Funds are financial tools which allow investors to pool their money together with a predetermined investment objective.
The Mutual Fund will have a fund manager who is responsible for investing the pooled money into specific securities (cash, money market instruments, bonds, or stocks). When investors put money into a Mutual Fund, they are buying shares or units of the fund and become a shareholder. Mutual Funds are cost-effective and easy to invest in with low minimum investment requirements. By grouping money together in a Mutual Fund, investors can purchase investments with much lower trading costs than doing it alone. The risk associated with finding a buyer for units when an investor wants to sell, is eliminated because the fund itself will always buy back the sold units. Mutual Funds allow for professional management at a low cost and offer investment diversification. Buying a Mutual Fund automatically diversifies an investment portfolio and this helps reduce market-risk over investing outright in one particular stock or bond.
Make your investment decisions wisely. Important information about mutual funds is found in the funds’ simplified prospectus. You can obtain a copy of this from your investment representative. Please read this carefully before investing. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Unit values and investment returns will fluctuate. Mutual Funds are offered through our dealer, Quadrus Investment Services Ltd.

Segregated Funds
Segregated Funds are suitable for investors who prefer a guarantee that their investments will hold some of their value or need potential protection of their assets from creditors.
They combine the potential for returns and a diverse choice, along with the guarantee and protection of an insurance product. Segregated Funds offer estate planning benefits & principal deposit guarantees after a specified number of years. They are best suited for small business owners, professionals subject to personal liability losses, and people interested in estate planning who have a preference for deposit guarantees.

Pension Plans
These retirement incomes are provided by either employers or the federal government.
The federal government provides Canada Pension Plan (CPP) to individuals who have been employed in Canada. CPP benefits can be applied for as early as age 60. If you claim CPP before age 65, the amount for which you qualify will be reduced. In order to qualify for CPP you should not have an income in January of the year you apply for these government benefits.
Employers also provide pension plans. Sometimes the employer and employee match monthly contributions to a plan. The money from both employer and the employee is credited to the employee’s account. These plans are called Money Purchase Pension Plans. This money is invested and can be managed by the employee. At retirement the employee can purchase a retirement income with the proceeds of the pension plan. At termination of employment the accumulated money in the pension can be transferred to a special RRSP in the employee’s name.
A second type of employer sponsored pension plan is called a Defined Benefit Plan. These plans provide a specific retirement pension. The amount of pension payable at retirement is determined by a formula based on the number of years of employment and the income earned by the employee.

Life Insurance
Basically, there are two types of life insurance; term coverage and whole life. Every insurance plan is some variation of these two types.
Term Insurance generally has no equity or cash value built up in the policy. It is called term insurance because it has an expiry date. Term Insurance is useful for covering an insurance need that is temporary in nature. This insurance would be good to insure parents who require coverage to replace income if one parent dies while they have dependent children. Mortgage insurance is another example of a need which can be covered by term insurance. Sometimes term insurance can be changed into permanent or whole life coverage.
Whole life insurance has no expiry date and lasts until needed. It often has an equity or cash value which builds up with the policy. Frequently you don’t have to continue paying for the insurance; after a number of years, the cash value and dividends in the policy will be sufficient to cover the premium. Whole life insurance is appropriate for covering needs such as final expenses, income taxes on registered account balances and income replacement for retirement incomes that reduce at a first death.
It is very beneficial to consult with a knowledgeable Certified Financial Planner who has access to a number of insurance companies. You can then be assured that you have selected the most appropriate and best priced product for your needs.

Disability Insurance
Where will your income come from if you get sick or hurt? Disability Insurance or Income Replacement plans provide a source of income if you are not able to work.
“Elimination Period” is the length of time you have to be unable to work in order to qualify for benefits. The shorter the elimination period, the more expensive the coverage will cost.
“Benefit Period” can be customized to fit your needs. Do you want to be paid to age 65 if you can’t return to your own job? Would a payment period of five years be more appropriate for you? You can add numerous options to an income replacement plan.
Some of these examples are:
- Payments for partial disability situations
- First Day hospital coverage
- Indexing of income payments
- Lifetime benefits for accidents
Many employers provide some coverage. A Certified Financial Planner will summarize your benefits as provided by your employer. Any shortfalls and potential shortfalls can be identified and solutions can be implemented to solve the problems.

Critical Illness
Critical Illness plans provide a lump sum payment should you be diagnosed with one of several serious illnesses. You can use the money to seek expert medical treatment or a world cruise.

Basically, annuities are personal income plans. You exchange capital for guaranteed income payments.
These payments can be arranged to last from five years or up to a lifetime. Income can be designed to be paid to a husband and wife for their lifetime and include a guaranteed payment to the estate. Who should look at an annuity income?
- Not interested in constantly managing investments?
- Want income you can’t out live?
- Retiring young?
- Need a bridging income between 60 and 65 when government benefits begin?
- Want guarantees?

Guaranteed Investment Certificates
Guaranteed Certificates (GICs) are the ideal product for investors looking for a competitive interest rate with a guaranteed return.
This can be the fixed-income portion of an investor’s portfolio. Investors can choose between daily, simple, or compounding interest rates on registered and non-registered accounts with a minimum $500.00 deposit. GICs also offer flexible terms that can be chosen from 90 days to 30 years.

High-Interest Cash Accounts
High Interest Cash Accounts can provide benefits of a competitive return on their deposits in a safe parking place without committing to any specific fixed-rate or term.
This investment tool is suitable for investors with cash that may be reserved for a particular use in the near-future, for people who want to stay out of the market temporarily (waiting for an opportunity) or for those who need the flexibility of having access to their money “just-in-case”. These accounts are used for non-registered monies and are a great place for investors to accumulate savings which will be paid a guaranteed rate of return.

Tax-Free Savings Account
The Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) program began in 2009. It is a way for individuals who are 18 and older and who have a valid social insurance number to set money aside tax-free throughout their lifetime.
Contributions to a TFSA are not deductible for income tax purposes. Any amount contributed as well as any income earned in the account (for example, investment income and capital gains) is generally tax-free, even when it is withdrawn. Administrative or other fees in relation to TFSA and any interest or money borrowed to contribute to a TFSA are not deductible.